First period
The first canvases are abstract. Georges Guinot paints Rugbymen in a scrum, the 1968 demonstrations in May 1968, Suite sur un blanc (Study on white) was exposed in the Salon des réalités nouvelles and was then acquired by the Ville de Paris (Paris town council) in 1973.
His aim is of a political nature when he honoured the fighting for independence by the Vietnamese and the Algerians: Hommage au peuple algérien (hommage to the algerian people) (diptyque 120x200cm, 1969).
He will also produce a large polyptich (oil on canvas 240x240cm, in 1971) to support the vietnamese during the war: Étendards et fusils dressés contre les flammes et les charniers (banners and guns dressed against the flammes and the mass graves) which he offered to the GPR (the republic of South Vietnam).