
He painted the cartoons for a series of eight large tapestries woven by the Plasse Le Caisne (1970-1978) for him workshop.
Two of them were purchased by the Continental bank of Illinois in Brussells and London.
A third one was bought by the “Mobilier National” in Paris:Comma a la Nobre, (300cmx300cm).

List of Tapestries :
- Fotre (300×300 cm), private collection,
- Comma a la Nobre (300×300 cm), Mobilier national (state owned furniture),
- Estrencha I (300×400 cm), Continental Bank Brussels,
- Barral (300×500 cm), Continental Bank London,
- Pichona I et II (180×150 cm), private collection,
- Estrencha II (200×300 cm), private collection.